Sunday, March 9, 2008

This is the before shot

This is the before shot of my scrapbook room. SEE THE BOW IN THE SHELF. I am not normally a claustrophobic person, but this mess has me afraid that it will all come falling down on my poor body while I scrap. If this happens they would never find my body. It takes me hours to accomplish anything, because although it looks like it should be in order it isn't and I have no idea where anything is.

Last week I took everything thing out of here. Well everything on this side of the room. The other side of the room where the computer is, is so frightening that my camera ran away and hid when I tried to take a photo of it. It is under a bed somewhere quaking in fear still. Anyway, so I took everything out of here and put it in my living room, and my kitchen/ dining area and my bedroom. I had stuff every where, it looked like the Wal-mart toy department on the day after Thanksgiving. So piece by piece I went through it all. I had piles, and they were labeled with unusual names like :

1. you'll never use me so give me away
2. throw me in the garbage and put me out of my misery
3. what in the heck were you thinking when you bought me
4. I know I'm never going to get scrapped, but I am so dang cute please keep me
5. definitely put me back in that room, I am worth what you paid for me

So I had my piles and I sorted everything into these said piles and put only the stuff in the last two piles in a pile to go back into the room.

Well I wanted to get it painted and put new floors down and add shelving to one wall, but all those things cost money. So I put it to a vote and my family chose food over my new scrap space, and that is the problem with Democracy.

So I put everything back in the room that belongs in there and I have a kitchen table full of stuff for craigslist and ebay, and I figure when it all sells I can buy paint and get the room painted.


Jennifer said...

I can't believe they voted for food! LOL Ok, mine tend to vote for that too and I have been trying to change their isn't working. I guess my projects will have to wait too.

Sandi D said...

Bob! This is a lot of goodies....I'm sure its better already through all your efforts.

I'm still plugging away at mine. Hence, no new pictures. I wondered what you were up to besides going to the hospital!
Love the new LO!
Hope to chat with you next week! xoxox