Monday, December 29, 2008

Hell Froze over!!! "well not quite"

I spent this morning taking down the tree and the Christmas decorations. I usually leave them up until New Years Day, but this year I have had my living room torn apart for months with the painting. I just wanted it done and clean. It looks awesome now. All the Christmas is packed away and back in the shed.

Then this afternoon, Greg came in and said his car was running (it hasn't moved in almost 4 years) and he was moving it out of the garage so I can park the van inside.

HELL HAS FROZEN OVER....... I knew that the day I could park in the garage would be when hell froze over.

Well my van is still in the driveway... so hell is just cold not frozen. We spent the afternoon working on getting the garage cleaned out so we can park more than one car in it. I finally have the go ahead from Greg to toss stuff. Throw out the junk!!!! Yahoo.

So I started cleaning out boxes. I found one box that was old magazines, I don't need Car and Driver's from before I could Drive. Then I found another box of old Childcraft books from when I was little. Emma loved looking at them, but they are so old and moldy and they stink really bad, so they will be going bye bye.

Then I came acrossed a box packed by a "Beers person". Talk about incomprehensible pack rat-ish behavior. The box had an old High school Annual and a bunch of papers so I figured I better go through it. The annual along with another one in the box belong to my brother in law. Then I found an old pair of slippers and a pair of pants, and a cookbook holder. Remember !!! this is all in the same box. Then I found Greg's birth certificate, the original stamped one. I also found his permit from driving in other countries and his passport information from 20 years ago. Good thing I didn't just throw the box away. What else was in the box you ask?

a package of index cards,
googly eyes
a string of bells (that hang on a camels neck apparently)
boy scout stuff
an old slinky, that was very rusty
a broken dice
two packages of flower pot fertilizer sticks
birthday cards
old paperbacks
and old love letters.

My thinking can't understand how a box was packed like this. My stuff is packed, books with books, kitchen stuff with kitchen stuff, bathroom stuff with bathroom stuff. Heidi, on the other hand loved unpacking this box, because it was kind of like a treasure hunt. If it is treasure hunting she wants, grandma has a whole garage full of boxes like this one. LOL

We got about a fourth of the garage cleaned out, but not enough to get the van in there, so tonight the supra is back in the garage and so is the motorcycle, but not the van.

Someday . . .


Betty said...

I think our MILs are related as that is so how mine packs boxes LOL

Hope another 'cold snap' moves in and the van finally gets in the garage.

April said...

You are so close! Good job and I hope you can get in there before 2009 is over :)

Jennifer said...

Holey cow! So close!